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Want a Healthier Smile? Here Are 5 Ideas for New Year’s Resolutions

January 2, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 1:39 pm
2022 resolutions on desk next to glasses, coffee, and plant

Be honest… have you fallen out of the habit of flossing daily? Do you go on autopilot when you brush your teeth? Has it been more than six months since your last dental checkup and cleaning? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, don’t worry – there is no time like the present to create some new and healthy habits for 2022. If you are unsure where to begin, here are five New Year’s resolutions to help!

#1. Cut Back on Sugary Foods and Drinks

Fizzy sodas, creamy ice cream, and gooey brownies are just a few treats that are absolutely delicious but are packed with sugar. While indulging every now and again is certainly okay, consuming sugar in excess can eat away at your enamel, increasing your chances of developing a cavity. Fortunately, tooth decay is largely preventable. One of the best ways to keep your teeth happy and healthy is by opting for sugar-free alternatives or fresh fruit when you get a craving for something sweet.

#2. Floss Every Morning or Evening

Flossing is an essential component of preventing serious dental problems, like cavities and gum disease. If you find the process to be too cumbersome, try getting pre-threaded floss or a water flosser. To help build this habit, place it directly next to your toothbrush, write a reminder on your mirror, and set an alarm on your phone. These measures will help you remember until flossing is a habit.

#3. Complete Your Oral Hygiene Routine Mindfully

Once you start brushing your teeth, do you go on autopilot? Then you may not be brushing your teeth for the proper amount of time (two full minutes). You should also be mindful of how long you rinse with mouthwash, which is ideally 30-60 seconds. It may seem small, but completing your oral hygiene routine with intention can significantly benefit your oral health.

#4. Visit Your Dentist Biannually for a Checkup and Cleaning

In short, dental checkups and cleanings aren’t optional. They play a crucial role in both your oral and overall health by catching cavities in the early stages, removing plaque and tartar, and screening for oral cancer. The best part is that setting yourself up for success with this New Year’s resolution is as simple as calling your dentist and scheduling both of your visits for 2022!

#5. Quit Unhealthy Dental Habits

Brushing, flossing, and visiting your dentist every six months will all go a long way in helping keep your oral health in pristine condition. So, the last thing you want to do is damage your teeth and gums with an unhealthy dental habit, like smoking, nail-biting, and chewing on ice. If you’ve had trouble quitting in the past, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Your friends, family, and dentist all want to see you succeed!

About the Practice

Since graduating from the Linda University School of Dentistry in California, Dr. Racha W. Kadamani has dedicated her days to helping nearby patients achieve healthier smiles. To provide each patient with the exemplary dental care they deserve, she continues to maintain active memberships with notable organizations, like the Texas Dental Association. If you want your smile to be as healthy and happy as possible this year, don’t hesitate to get in touch via her website or by phone at (210) 782-6842.

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