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5 Simple and Safe Ways to Pull Your Child’s Tooth

March 21, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — laithfamily @ 1:23 am

mother and son visiting pediatric dentist in san antonio

For your child, having a loose tooth is almost like a rite of passage. It’s a sign that he or she is growing up and developing on schedule. The last thing you want is for this joyous life experience to turn into an unnecessary dental emergency. You can avoid this by having some effective strategies in place for pulling the tooth. As you continue reading, your pediatric dentist in San Antonio lists 5 ways you can remove the tooth so you can enjoy this exciting milestone!

Brush and Floss

In addition to helping to remove leftover debris and keeping oral bacteria at bay, brushing and flossing can also help to gently shift a loose tooth until it dislodges. It doesn’t require any special effort. Working along with your child, perform the oral hygiene activities as you normally would.

Give It a Wiggle

Looseness is one of nature’s ways of letting you know that your child’s tooth is ready or close to being ready to come out. You can instruct your little one to aid in the process by slightly pressing his or her tongue against the tooth, which will encourage it to eventually free itself from the socket.

Allow Food to Help Out

Biting into a crunchy apple can be a neat way to free a loose tooth. As an added perk, the delicious fruit also helps to remove oral bacteria and debris from the teeth. Just be sure to monitor your child to make sure the tooth isn’t swallowed while eating the apple.

Gently Twist and Pull

In the event your child has a stubborn tooth that takes a little more effort to free, you can assist by thoroughly washing your hands and giving it a light twist. To prevent transferring any bacteria from your fingers, you can take an extra precautionary step of using a cotton gauze. All your efforts should be gentle, as the process should be a completely painless experience.

Ask Your Dentist for Help

If your efforts aren’t successful, the best bet is to leave it to your local pediatric dentist. He or she will be able to remove the tooth without any problem. Therefore, you won’t have to worry about an unforeseen mishap ruining the moment.

Ultimately, even if a tooth is already loose, patience is always the winning strategy. Usually, by letting nature run its course, the tooth will easily fall out, and your child will continue growing and developing right before your eyes!

About the Author

Dr. Racha W. Kadamani is a graduate of the Loma Linda University School of Dentistry in California. As a mother with over 18 years of experience practicing dentistry, she has seen her fair share of loose teeth. Thus, Dr. Kadamani helps parents navigate these life experiences, and to have the peace-of-mind of knowing that their children have the best oral health possible. She provides top-notch care at Laith Family Dentistry, and she can be reached for more information through her website.

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